1423 c/o Crispin Best

Turn Again, Whittington

The cat pushed her face into Dick’s until Dick said,
      - You are a lovely cat.
      Then the cat stopped and looked at Dick’s mouth.

The cat was primed on the arm of the sofa. She looked at the string. It was the first time. She was going to get the string. She jumped at the string. She missed. She landed.
      The cat lay on the carpet for a while. She felt embarrassed. She rolled over. Then, some string caught her eye. She jumped up onto the arm of the sofa. It was the first time.

Dick was eating something. The cat wanted to eat it too. She tried to put her tongue on the thing that Dick was eating. Dick pushed her onto the ground.
      The cat walked in a circle. She looked at Dick. She wanted to eat what he was eating. She jumped onto his lap. Dick pushed her onto the ground.
      The cat walked in a circle and looked at the TV. Dick put his plate on the floor in front of her. She licked the plate. It tasted nice. It was jam on toast.

The cat wanted her body to be under the sofa. She ran as fast as she could. She went under the sofa.
      She was under the sofa.
      She heard a noise in the other room. She wanted to know what it was. She ran as fast as she could into the other room. Dick was making a cup of tea.
      She wanted to be under the sofa. She ran as fast as she could.

The cat was asleep. She was warm and she was asleep. Her claws were perfectly sharp, she felt calm and warm, Dick was here with her and she was asleep.

The cat wanted to be high up. She looked for somewhere high to go. When you are high you can look for things.
      She jumped up onto the radiator. It was not comfortable but she was high. She wanted to be high up. She sat on the radiator and looked for things.

Dick put his hand on the cat’s face. She closed her eyes and made a satisfied noise. She liked the smell of Dick’s hand. She started to lick his fingers. They tasted good. His fingers tasted like prawn cocktail. She licked his fingers.

Dick emptied the cat food into the bowl. The cat started to eat. She was very hungry.
      Dick left the kitchen. The cat felt bad and alone. She followed Dick and put her body in the way of his legs. This was so he would know to come back. She put her body in the way of Dick’s legs and looked up at him. Dick looked at the cat. He walked back into the kitchen.
      The cat ate the food. She looked up to make sure Dick was still there with her and he was and she ate the food.