1468 c/o Jason Lee Norman

Charles the Bold Signs His Name

Charles the Bold is holding a pen. Charles the Bold has a song stuck in his head. His Portuguese mother has her hand on his shoulder. His mother taught him about love. His father taught him about loyalty. Charles is in love with an older woman. Charles is in love with a teenager. The woman Charles loves has green eyes in winter and grey eyes in summer. It is October. Charles has ordered all the fridge and freezer doors to remain open. Their bulbs have burnt out. Charles the Bold breathes oxygen through his toes. Charles the Bold signs his name.

Charles the Bold is holding his only daughter. Charles the Bold is the world’s youngest widower. Charles’ daughter has green eyes, she will speak only Spanish. His daughter looks up at him just like Charles did with his father. Charles feels like an orphan; the only orphan in the world. There is no term for an orphan widower with a daughter who has green eyes. Charles the Bold puts down his daughter. Charles the Bold picks up a pen. Charles the Bold signs his name.