1496 c/o Carah Naseem

Leonardo Dreams of His Flying Machine

Hello sky. I’ve been waiting for today. Today is the day when I’m going to dip into your bowl upside down, and hang there. You’re going to pretend you love me, okay sky?

Today I woke up the same as ever. Hung-over and confused. Shoes on the wrong feet. A blank check taped to my forehead. A girl named “SORRY” endorsed it. I smell like pine needles.

Today I am going to fly.

I strap on my wings and haphazardly climb onto the roof. My feet are on backwards, I’m clumsydrunkblah. Whatever, sky. I’m ready for you. I sip the air like Mama’s cognac if sipped through a bendy straw. I spread my wings and jump.


Today I discovered the sky doesn’t love me.

Today I will go nurse my broken leg with broken sex and broken bottles of rum.