1708 c/o LK Shaw
It is difficult to be sad while eating avocado
or listening to rap music
but I have done it
a couple of times
and I remember
at school they taught us
it is wrong
to know your conclusion
before you even start with the experiment
so here I am laughing
at this office job
spending all day
thinking about slavery
and sleeping on that brown couch
with you
and when I wake up, uncomfortable,
in the early morning
and move to the other chair
you ask
is it something I did?
and I think
that nobody is really doing anything
and that words are only words
and I am growing sick of them
If I write a beautiful story
about a girl
who loves a robot
it won't be worth reading
because humans are
and I want to be one of them
At my work
they sell a product called 'artificial tears'
I don't care about irony
In my life
I am conducting an experiment
I am not a scientist
And in my mind
We are the product of everything
but we are alive
so how do I say
we have potential
without you
rolling your eyes
because I am looking at you
and I know
we are rippling.
LK Shaw
Slave uprising in Queens