1814 c/o Holly Corfield Carr

( below the tide plays the chajchas )

( on the struts , a loose white rime )

( of goose barnacle and detergent )

( hisses up through this slat of sea )

( at some point we thought geese )

( grew out of wet wood , fleshless )

( mess of beak announcing itself )

( more differently alive , delicious )

( we don’t wait to look for a body )

( we just know that boys grow as )

( mushrooms in the moss , that I )

( don’t know if you are the type )

( that is poisonous yet or if I care )

( and here where it rains upwards )

( where you drop your ice cream )

( where the water is unspeakably )

( where tompot blenny , gutwrack )

( where clingfish in the furbelows )

( where they live in the drift of us )

( where & when to turn is a panic )

( where we take the clean sea air )

( where a pocket of sea tuts at us )

( where the old penny falls cheep )

( where I ask if this is pleasurable )

( where we walk the dim rhythm )

( of wood kept just above enough )

( of the sea so that we might feel )

( something of a rearrangement )

( but nothing turns into anything )

( which is what we came here for )

( : anything , anything at all )

( so we don’t know how far to go )

( so I make us watch the pink melt )

( of Vanish I mistake for the sunset )

( and you don’t even laugh at me )

( ruddy spun coin of your mouth )

( spitting the distance beneath us )

( and a blue agate bracelet of five )

( unfathomed by-the-wind sailors )